The StoloConnect Consensus Tracker is an element of our Performance Measures Report, an automated analytic report that helps us track outcomes and allows for cumulative impact analysis on StoloConnect.
PRRO Final Response Reports conclude with STSA decisions on proposed referral projects. These decisions fall into four broad categories:
- Approve Application with Conditions(s)
- Approve Applications without Conditions(s)
- Reject Application
- Application Requires Ongoing Engagement
The first category is our most common outcome, a project is approved with conditions (example conditions may be archaeological monitoring, work to be conducted outside of the salmon spawning window, etc.) The second category is a project approved with no conditions, just a simple approval. The third category is the rejection of a proposed project, and the fourth is reserved for projects where PRRO/STSA do not have enough information to make their decision, and so requiring ongoing engagement.
Whatever the STSA decision, it is submitted back to Crown authorities who then make their decision on the proposed project. Once made, the Crown notifies PRRO of their decision and PRRO compares the two outcomes; the STSA decision and the Crown decisions. We call this Consensus Analysis.
STSA/Crown Consensus also falls into four broad categories:
- Full Consensus
- Partial Consensus
- No Consensus 1
- No Consensus 2
The first Consensus category is straightforward; Full Consensus means STSA and Crown decisions align, and any STSA conditions were met. Partial Consensus again means STSA and Crown decisions align, but not all STSA conditions were met (to continue the above example, work was conducted outside of salmon spawning windows, but an archaeological monitor was not on site). No Consensus 1 occurs when STSA and Crown decisions do not align. No Consensus 2 occurs when Crown decisions are made without STSA input, ie. a failure to consult.
These four categories allow PRRO to identify trends in consensus decision making, track change over time, and generally assess the state of the consultative relationship between STSA and the Crown.