Collaborative Stewardship Forum Project Planning
Leads: Leonard Feldes, David Schaepe, Ph.D.
Coordinator: Lets’emó:t Implementation Team (LIT)
Led by the forum co-chairs, and working with the Lets’emó:t Committee (LC),
Lets’emó:t Implementation Team (LIT) and the STSA Board, this project is
focused on building collaborative foundations within the forum for joint
oversight, planning and implementation of goals and objectives as set out in
the CSF enabling agreement. The team is working to develop a foundation for
continuing the forum beyond the three-year pilot period.
Two-Way Training (Policy and Procedures, Education, Cultural, etc.)
Leads: Jim Jensen, David Schaepe, Ph.D.
Coordinator: Lets’emó:t Implementation Team (LIT)
Intended to advance reconciliation and implement collaborative forms of
transformative change through mutual education, allowing greater understanding between the teams. Various two-way training initiatives are being developed between the STSA and the Province. This is an ongoing, responsive project, with multiple sub-projects including but not limited to daily forum operations, facility improvements and the development of education streams and programming for STSA First Nations, youth, and government employees.
Collaborative Stewardship Forum Youth Initiative
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D. , Lisa Wolgram
Coordinator: Carrielynn Victor
Focusing on providing Indigenous youth with educational experiences about
S’ólh Téméxw, Stó:lō forms of governance, Canadian forms of governance,
collaborative decision making, and the concept of guardianship. Various
sub-projects include the development of Indigenous curriculum within
local K-12 schools and universities.
STSA Governance re: Stewardship & Collaboration
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D.
Coordinator: Carrielynn Victor
As a component of the Collaborative Stewardship Forum, this project stems
from the need to clarify the internal relations between Stó:lō First Nation
members of STSA, other Stó:lō First Nations and non Stó:lō First Nations/ other Nations regarding stewardship roles and responsibilities, serving to establish
a clarified foundation for G2G relationships with the Province.
Communications Strategy Development
Leads: Ombrielle Neria, Jim Jensen, Tannis Tommy
Coordinator: Ombrielle Neria
Focused on the creation and integration of effective communication tools
between the STSA and the Province, and the establishment of processes for
internal and external communications. The team is collaboratively developing
mechanisms for longevity of relations between the parties including the
integration of technological capacity within communities. Communications
strategies support co-developing recommendations for the possible application, amendment, or creation of provincial legislation and regulations, policies, management approaches, and information and monitoring programs relating to environmental stewardship and shared decision-making processes. Joint recommendations may be used to inform the development and/or amendment of STSA and associated Stó:lō First Nations policies, procedures and practices.
Impact Analysis Framework: Jones Creek Watershed Pilot
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D. , Cat Charman
Coordinator: Jillian Spies, Kierstin Dolata
Examining how governance affects natural areas, and identifying stewardship as a form of reconciliation, this project focuses on the Jones Lake watershed as a case study and pilot area to create a stewardship action plan. The team will develop a series of natural indicators that can accurately represent Sxexó:mes (meaning “all our gifts; gifts of the creator”) and determine how forestry,
recreation, energy interests and other factors have impacted this area from
the precolonial and colonial past, to current day and projecting into the future while focusing on collaborative land stewardship and living within the earth’s carrying capacity.
Cumulative Effects (CE) Methodology Comparison
Lead: Shana Roberts
Coordinator: TBD
A research-based project that will help inform the establishment of baseline
data which is set pre-contact. Based on Indigenous practices and/or scientific
practices which incorporate the Stó:lō World View, the team will develop a
framework that can be used to measure cumulative impacts within any given
area. The objective of this project is to identify key principles that may inform
policy frameworks and management plans in the future, addressing the critical need to do further studies in regional coordination based on watersheds to identify impacts from anthropogenic activities, and climate change to help understand how those impacts may be effecting the health and well-being of Stó:lō.
Bank Stabilization and Flood Management
Leads: Murray Ned
Coordinator: TBD
Working together to plan and implement bank stabilization and flood mitigation works within S’ólh Téméxw, and develop short and long-term plans to mitigate potential impacts to fish, fish habitat, fisheries (including food, social, ceremonial, and economic fisheries), protect archaeological and cultural heritage features along riparian areas, and to better understand and avoid cumulative adverse impacts. This project aims to support the planning and implementation of a major bank stabilization and flood management initiative along the Matsqui Dike which would reduce erosion arcs while supporting healthy fish populations and fishing practices. Lower Fraser Fisheries Alliance will be providing project planning and technical expertise to provide data, outreach and support for
strategic planning, habitat restoration, and resource management.
Water and Air Sampling
Leads: Shana Roberts, Tana Mussel, Dawn Smith
Coordinator: Carrielynn Victor
The Water and Air Sampling project seeks to create a baseline of data relative to the scientific background and information shared by other partner associations, aligned with information held at the Stó:lō Research and Resource Centre Library and Archives. From the baseline, continued sampling will occur within the Fraser Valley to identify trends in air and water quality, current issues, and projected issues in the future resulting from development and climate change. These projects have been identified as critical projects due to the potential of serious harm to fish, fish habitat, cultural and spiritual practices, and the health and well-being of the Stó:lō (Fraser River), Stó:lō peoples, and the environment within S’ólh Téméxw.
Mining Inventory and Analysis
Leads: Karen Brady, Matt MacLean
Coordinator: Jillian Spies
This project seeks to understand the scope of mining activities within S’ólh Téméxw including the type and amount of minerals being extracted. The team will evaluate how mining activity (past, current or planned) aligns with cultural values as represented within the S’ólh Téméxw Use Plan (STUP). An inventory will be created with multiple applications including monitoring, guardianship, and resource revenue sharing work.
Sxótsaqel Chilliwack Lake Park Plan
Leads: Keri Ardell, Dawn Smith
Coordinator: Ombrielle Neria
The purpose of this project is to co-develop a vision and management plan for Sxótsaqel / Chilliwack Lake Park which is consistent with Ts’elxwéyeqw heritage, spiritual and cultural values. The management plan will be created collaboratively by Ts’elxwéyeqw Tribe and BC Parks and become an Operational Government document. A component of the park plan includes renaming of Chilliwack Lake Park to Sxótsaqel / Chilliwack Lake Park through an amendment to the Protected Areas of British Columbia Act.
Forestry Operational Guidelines for the S’ólh Téméxw Use Plan
Leads: Karen Brady, Leonard Feldes
Coordinator: Jillian Spies
This project aims to co-develop forestry operational guidelines and considerations for forestry proponents to ensure the protection of Stó:lō cultural values within the S’ólh Téméxw Use Plan.
Managing Natural Values
Leads: Jack Sweeten, Kevin Webber
Coordinator: Jillian Spies
This project assesses natural values throughout S’ólh Téméxw and develops a
proactive management strategy for future use of the land aligned with Stó:lō
interests. Initial stages of this project will be focusing on cedar resources and needs now and in the future, protecting culturally important resources for future generations.
S’ólh Téméxw Plant Inventory
Leads: Carrielynn Victor, Leonard Feldes
Coordinator: Carrielynn Victor
The S’ólh Téméxw Plant Inventory Project is focused on gathering available and current data which describes selected plant species and their populations within S’ólh Téméxw, more specifically, the Jones Lake Watershed. The need
for an inventory that is focused on more than marketable timber which encompasses the biodiverse ecosystems from high elevation alpine to valley bottom marshes and riparian zones has been identified for many years by Stó:lō community members.
Recreational Use Impact Management
Lead: Carrielynn Victor
Coordinator: Carrielynn Victor
The project intends to develop an understanding of the full scope of recreation activities occurring within S’ólh Téméxw as well as analysis of their impacts, working towards collaborative management planning. A phased study will be developed to identify present issues, uses and values on Sumas Mountain which has been selected as a case study area to determine methodology for impact studies. Ecological, culture, heritage, and user values can conflict on the landscape. The review and analysis of the study will lead to recommendations to land managers and changes to other applicable legislation, policy and procedures. The collective will develop tools to determine management measures for present and emerging recreational uses.
Heritage Conservation Act (HCA) Section 4 (S4) Pilot and Establishment
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D., Jessica Ruskin
Coordinator: Kierstin Dolata
Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre with the backing of the STSA and several other First Nations organizations have been awarded the
opportunity to negotiate the Province’s first HCA Section 4 Agreement as a pilot
project established through the Joint Working Group on First Nations Heritage
Conservation. As part of this project, the Stó:lō Strategic Engagement Agreement
Working Group on Heritage Conservation assisted in aspects of potential S4
Heritage site review. Following anticipated completion in 2019, the pilot will be implemented over the course of one year with resulting recommendations potentially serving to extend the term of the agreement.
Heritage Conservation Act Legislative and Policy Changes
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D., Jessica Ruskin
Coordinator: Kierstin Dolata
The project team is involved in supporting the Joint Working Group on First Nations Heritage Conservation (JWG) in addressing areas of interest for change to policy, procedure and legislation.
Repatriation Policy and Practice
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D., RBCM Curation and Repatriation Staff (TBD)
Coordinator: Kierstin Dolata
Working with the House of Respect Caretaking Committee and repatriation
and curation staff from the Royal BC Museum, this project aims at connecting
members from both to discuss repatriation policies and Stó:lō repatriation opportunities. The project is also linked to the construction of a grave house on Stó:lō Nation grounds to house repatriated ancestors.
Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment (CHIA) /
Cultural Heritage Overview Assessment (CHOA) Review
Leads: Jim Jensen, Cara Brendzy
Coordinator: Kierstin Dolata
The process that triggers the need for a Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
(CHIA), or a Cultural Heritage Overview Assessment (CHOA) has been regarded
as unclear and confusing by industry proponents and government staff in recent years. This project aims to increase clarity about process and necessity regarding the varying levels of need for the assessments, and the organizational structure within the Stó:lō Service Agency where the assessments are conducted and held. Stó:lō agency employee education is also needed to better equip frontline staff with the information regarding CHIA/CHOAs in order to answer frequently asked questions.
S’ólh Téméxw Guardians Program
Leads: Sebastien Merz, Dionne Bunsha
Coordinator: Jillian Spies
This project seeks to provide stewardship and protection of S’ólh Téméxw including air, land, water, cultural values and traditional knowledge throughpresence on the land through real-time monitoring and enforcement. The project team will be working to bring youth and community members back to the land and support Stó:lō obligations to the land, water and air by providing training, education and a career path.
Mines Monitoring
Lead: Mike Goold
Coordinator: TBD
Building from the work completed within the Mining and Inventory Analysis project, this team will work to create operational guidelines for mines monitoring within S’ólh Téméxw aligned with the Stó:lō World View.
Resource Revenue Sharing
Leads: David Schaepe, Ph.D. , Yvette Lizee
Coordinator: Ernie Victor
Historical relations between the Province and Indigenous Peoples including the Stó:lō have explicitly focused on revenue sharing as a factor of resource extraction and use of the land. Since 1864 and the Queen’s Birthday/ Crowns promise which set out a basis for the distribution of wealth gained from resource extraction, there has been no substantial development or implementation of revenue sharing mechanisms or processes. Some current efforts have included the First Nations Forestry Agreements (FCARSA) and more recently Gaming Revenue Sharing. Gaps in this relationship exist across numerous other fields of resource use and extraction including salmon fishery, minerals, timber and non-timber resources and water. This project seeks to make recommendations on possible models of revenue sharing between the Province and First Nations.
My family has always lived here. We care deeply for the land and resources that surround us, as our home. We have always been here, and we are not going away. We share this land now with many of our neighbours. We have to learn how to get along and to take care of our home, together.
Chief Derek Epp, Tzeachten First Nation